
10 Things You Should Know About...

Just finished this project for uni.

'10 Extraordinary Facts from The Bermuda Triangle'

I wanted to create something reasonably light-hearted and focus on the more fun stories from the Bermuda Triangle, instead of debating whether its all true or not.
I'm quite happy with how this turned out, but I'm not sure this is the kind of design I want to be doing. It looks nice, but doesn't really have a concept.
I originally just did the posters, but they didn't really communicate any information, so last minute I knocked up a booklet using the same images, but just with a bit more information. I think I'm more happy with the book to be honest.


Lisa Claire Stewart said...

wow ryan this is awesome! :) has put my project to shame!!!!! your type is tip top awesome! xxx

Hugh Barrell said...

The illustrations are rad and the typo is just spot on. nice going man.

Unknown said...

great illustrations!
inspiring blog.
